About the GDR

Under the auspices of the INP and the INC (National Instituts of Physics and of Chemistry of CNRS), the research group GDR IAMAT (Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science) has officially begun to operate on January 1st, 2022. We suggest you to join us on our mailing list via the home page: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/gdr_iamat-inscrits.

The mission and main objective of the research group GDR IAMAT is to bring together the many teams and different communities interested in artificial intelligence approaches in theoretical and experimental materials science. The scientific topics cover the continuum from AI developments to concrete applications in materials science. The key goals are to promote educational exchanges between communities, particularly through transverse actions, and to foster new inspirations and collaborations.

The GdR IAMAT is organized following a matrix structure. The “lines” correspond to the scientific challenges identified. The “columns” correspond to AI/ML general classes of algorithms and methods, which are transversal to the needs of the scientific challenges.

organisation matricielle du GDR


A. Marco Saitta (IMPMC - Paris)

Deputy directors

Magali Benoit (CEMES - Toulouse)

Silke Biermann (CPhT - Saclay)

Jean-Claude Crivello (ICMPE - Thiais)

Scientific board

Alexandre Boulle (IRCER - Limoges)

Alexis Deschamps (SIMAP - Grenoble)

Guilhem Dezanneau (SPMS - Saclay)

Gabriel Stoltz (CERMICS - Marne-la-Vallée)

Franck Tancret (IMN - Nantes)

Ambroise Van Roekeghem (LITEN - Grenoble)

Helena Zapolsky (GPM - Rouen)

Emmanuel Farhi (Synchrotron, Soleil - Saclay)

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